Thursday 11 August 2011


Today wraps up a great week @ SIGGRAPH. Went to lots of great production sessions. Of course the great swag!

Started today off with standing in line before the exhibition opened to finally get my Pixar posters. It was a mad rush at 9:30. I got two posters and Mai got three.
After that we went around the exhibition for a slough of pins and other bling. Afterwards we went to Starbucks for a quick coffee before the ILM talk at 10:45.

The ILM talk was about Cowboys and Aliens, Pirates on stranger tides, and Transformers 3. What was cool about the work they did on Cowboys was the molten gold effects, especially when it melted the aliens. With Pirates it was the extensive back and forth between ILM and the director over the design for the mermaids. ILM wanted to go more creature and scary. Which the director liked buy wanted to keep more of the beauty of the actresses. And finally the shear volumn of detail done in the assets for transformers was amazing. Colossus alone was approximately 30 million polys. Millions more than any other transformer made before.

The Line to get into the Exhibition at 9:30

The Line to get into the Exhibition at 9:30

The Line to get into the Exhibition at 9:30 and the mad rush to Pixar Posters

Models made with plastic, special sculpting machines take 3D models and make them

Coral plastic scuplture

Artist constructed a whole helmet to make a Batman costume

more plastic sculptures

more plastic sculptures

so cool!


another company that uses the machines to make sculptures from 3D models out of almost any material

Artist designed the outfit and the company made

Zbrush talk

Autodesk Booth

Autodesk Lectures


Todays loot!

Worth the wait!

Following that talk we went to line up for teapots again from Pixar. This time the line did about a full circle around the exhibition hall. Ranim met up with us to get a teapot too. Waited for about an hour. But this company from Ontario was doing a contest with buttons. They gave you 6 of one color and you had to get one of each color from people around the exhibition. It was lots of fun. I made a run up the line to get all 6. Met some people in the process. Of course my badge was already covered in tonnes of pins, so I had people asking me where I got them all, which was super fun. So I got my six and got to enter to win a blackberry Playbook. Hope I win!
After getting our tea pots, we took Ranim over to the job fair. She talked to a couple people and gave her reel to one company. So excited for her, hope she gets work. She has a great reel. Soon I'll be in the same boat trying to market my reel and get work.

Later we headed up stairs to show Ranim the art gallery but it closed down. But we did run into one of Mai's friends who did this reel about sheep. I always liked it and it was cool to meet him. We talked for a bit about the teachers we had in common from Vanarts. But then he had to go to a session that was starting. I decided to call it a day and left Mai and Ranim to their own devices.

Well that about wrapped up my final day at SIGGRAPH 2011. It was a fantastic week. Went to some awesome production sessions on some of the best movies of the year. Got some inspiration and something to strive for in my own work. That week went super fast but I had so much fun! Hope I get a chance to go to another one in the future.

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