Friday 14 December 2018

Building a Restaurant

I decided to change my focus a bit and work more on environments and small asset building for my portfolio. Been working on this the last week or two. Starting to come together.

Saturday 24 November 2018

Polypainting Roughly

Playing around with some different materials. More or less have it posed. Starting polypainting a color map. Toying with some glows in zbrush; something I've never used before in the program. It's always fun to learn different ways of doing things. Just some clean up to do on the sculpt from the posing deformation. However, I'm feeling pretty good about it.

Thursday 15 November 2018

Scaling Away

Really trying to bring out the scales. Did the neck and back into the legs and tail this morning.

Tuesday 13 November 2018

Starting Painting Skin

Starting painting the skin color onto my dragon. Kinda going for a mystic purple feel. Not entirely happy yet, but its a start. Not bad for under an hour of painting.

Tried a different hue a purple in the head. Slapped on a shiny material to see it with some spec

Sunday 11 November 2018

Attaching away

Brought in the limbs and started attaching some things the other day. Wings are looking great!

Thursday 1 November 2018

Wings looking good

Did some work on the wings today. Just have to work on some soft tissue between the bones of the wings.

Friday 26 October 2018

The claw is almost done other than texturing and few issues with attaching the fingers. However, I am pretty happy and proud with it.

Thursday 18 October 2018

Built some Bones Today

Did some more work on the neck and a bit of the body this morning. This afternoon I built some arm bones and a shoulder. I think its looking good, still lots of work to do. :)

Friday 5 October 2018

Some more work today. Tossed in a tongue and some teeth. With some work on the scales.

Thursday 4 October 2018

Dragon Head Work

Woke up and 20 min later had some spikes done. Its coming along nicely I feel.

Friday 7 September 2018

Making some progress on the wings today. Lots to clean up but I'm starting to get happy with the sculpt. It will be a dragon one day!

Friday 10 August 2018

Some Sample renders of new demo

Been working on some zbrush sculpts. Going to put some together into some scenery. Here's a little taste. Texturing needs some work, but I'm starting to get a mood and feel for it. The vision is starting to form. They're low quality for now. I have this sort of shrimpy sand creature that I'll display on a sand dune. Been working on my dragon from a previous post, that will go into the scene with a tree.
A third will be my ice creature in a glacial cave. Got an awesome reference for an ice cave, just have to model it.

Thursday 3 May 2018

Getting Back into Zbrush with a dragon scultp

Just a preliminary sculpt for a dragon idea I'm working on. Just mapped out the skeleton and started sculpting the talons on the wings. Had a little problem with size, but popped it into Maya for a resize, then back into zbrush and it seemed to work. Might of lost some symmetry. The wings and arms still have the symmetry but seemed to have lost it in the tail and head. I was thinking about sculpting the head separately then reattaching it later. I need to do this more often!!! lol